
Create a personalized map that is uniquely yours with these customizable options:

Template Selection:
Choose a template that suits your style and preferences. Find the perfect layout with different shapes and text positions.

Location Customization:
Select the area you want to feature, such as a city or a specific district. Explore, search, and zoom to capture the desired location accurately.

Map Style Variation:
Discover different map styles with distinctive colors for roads and water. Keep in mind that the white map style is best suited for a black base, while the black map style complements a white base.

City Name and Description:
Add a personal touch by including the name of the city, district, village, or any other relevant area. Share a custom description or message that adds meaning to the map.

Text Color Choice:
Make your text stand out by selecting from a range of three colors. Choose a color that complements your design and enhances readability.