
Elevate your memories with our Pin Set made from natural wood.
This set includes 12 pins, each telling a unique story:
Best coffee in town
A café where you highly recommend tasting the coffee.
Favorite food spot
A place where you can savor every bite and would love to be invited for a meal.
Top green space
Your favorite green area in the city where you can enjoy outdoor activities.

Ideal hangout place
Your top-rated spot to relax and enjoy the company of friends.
Favored spot in town
Your favorite place to visit or spend time in the town.
Adored store
A beloved store where you love to shop or get presents from.

Preferred cinema
 A cinema where you like to go on a date and enjoy a movie.

Beloved kissing place
 The most romantic place in the city.

Cozy reading nook
A place where you can escape from the outside world and focus on the joy of reading.

Best memories
A place that is particularly sentimental or important to you.

I love to dance here
Your favorite nightlife spot in the town.

My training spot
 Your workout haven or running trail in the city.
Pins for apparel and bags are equipped with secure and convenient magnet clasps, while pins for wall art feature adhesive tape on the back for easy and secure display.